It has been said that electronics is just 'smoke and mirrors', or 'black magic'... This web site
was developed to help 'de-mystify' the design, manufacture, assembly
and testing of printed circuits and improve and promote
quality in the profession of PCB design and the development of electronics products.
Why PCB WIZARDS? Well, in a manner of speaking many of our professional contemporaries are 'wizards' in a very real sense.
Let's examine the history of wizards
for a moment... For many years, readers of
adventures and ancient legends have been
fascinated by the vast body of fact and fable
surrounding wizards. Wizards are in many ways
personified symbols of man's insatiable
curiosity, the search for practical
knowledge and the tools or methods to control
the complicated world around
us. Click the following link for more info on
wizards...[ history of wizards
PCB designers are truly modern day 'wizards'
of practical knowledge in the field of
electronics and they use that knowledge and
their creativity to make the most amazing
electronic products known to man. Without PCB
designers the world would be a far less
interesting place... Printed Circuits are in or a part
of almost everything we use.
I hope you find the website useful and that you continue to come back for up-to-date information and references. This site will be under construction for some time and will evolve to meet the needs of those who use it. Use the Navigation buttons to the left to find more about this profession and its many connections to our everyday world.
The pages of this website are here for your use... please report any broken links or abuse to the webmaster.
By the way, I'm looking for a logo for my
website... here's an idea, let's have a wizard
drawing contest and then vote for the winning
picture. I can come up with something special for the
winner... plus some publicity...
Click for more info--->Wizard
Drawing Contest
In no way does this website or it's developer or
owner warranty any information taken or derived
from this site. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We will
not be held liable for any use or application of
data found on this website and the site visitor
by so using said information agrees to hold
harmless the web site, its trustees and
developers and owner and their heirs and assigns
from any attempt to recover any monetary redress
or compensation for losses real or imagined
arising from the use of this information. It is
provided free of charge and without warranty.
Sorry, but since we live in a world of lawyers
and people looking to make money from suits
rather than hard work and ingenuity I felt it
necessary to disclaim any responsibility for
others use of the info on my website. It's only
here because I needed a place to store it and
figured it might help benefit someone else in
the process... enjoy...